Wednesday 4 November 2009

The 'man look'

I just had to post this because twice in the past 2 days I have had guys asking me where something is and not being able to find it.

Now perhaps you guys can shed some light on the 'man look'. Let me explain the 'man look' is a half hearted 'look' for something. Ie - you've looked at the scene in front of you as a whole and haven't been able to see what you are looking for, usually because a) you haven't actually moved anything and b) you haven't looked properly!

It's something that I was used to hearing at home my dad shouting 'where's my shirt?' 'It's in the airing cupboard' my Mum would call back. 'I've looked and it's not there!' My dad would shout adamantly. Frustrated my mum would end up having to go to the airing cupboard herself and within a matter of 2 seconds literally she would pull it out, usually without having to move anything at all.

Yesterday at my gym I arrived to see the owner Andy standing in his cupboard looking puzzled - it's not a big cupboard, its about the size of an airing cupboard but it wasn't cluttered and the small amount of things in there were tidy and neat. He was looking for his scales and knew that they were in his walk in cupboard on one of the 6 shelves. He was scratching his head for ages. I laughed and told him he'd done a 'man look' and went to the cupboard myself. He explained how it wasn't on the first shelf or on the second as he gave me a run-down of what was on each shelf and just as he was about to say it wasn't on the third - he saw the scales sitting there, underneath something else, but clearly visible without having to move anything!

Now the day before I had a guy email me saying he couldn't find a photo of me that he liked. I explained that there were no recent changes to my site so I again I joked and told him he'd had a 'man look'. I reiterated that it would still be there and asked him to go back to my site have a proper look. He came back to me and told me he couldn't find it. I went on the site myself and found the photo in a matter of seconds on my 'reviews' page.

I rest my case! :) Any guys shed any light on why you don't look for things properly? Lol

1 comment:

  1. I can only comment on my observations and how I think, since I am a male. These are generalizations so don't take them as 'written-in-stone.'

    Men tend to think, when not in an emergency or business situtation, about 1 to 2 decisions/steps ahead. When driving to a destination, they may think what road lane they will eventually need to be in order to make the proper turn. But more likely, they are listening to sports/business news/small talk with passenger(s) in the car and will pass their destination by 1km before they realise it. We are a gender that focuses on the problem in front of us...and only in front of any given moment. As the gym owner demostrated, he had to focus on each shelf individually, identifying what was and wasn't there step by step.

    The female gender are multi-taskers. Whilst receiving information via radio, newspaper, cell phone, etc...they are also thinking what bills need to be paid, what is needed from the store, which relative they've haven't talked to and need to call, what they are going to have for lunch...all at the same time.

    A female attacks a problem from many different directions all at the same time. They rapidly theorise each possibility, weighing the merits of each, eliminating those that do not meet the criteria of the problem, temporarily mentally create a mind-list of those that come close to explain the problem...for later (a few seconds) evaluation. So a female can view shelves and reach a conclusion/possible solution much quicker.

    It is not that men are slow thinkers...we just focus on it intensly and not scan & predict like females.

    Of course, there are exceptions to every rule/observation.

    But open an auto's bonnet and every male becomes an expert auto repairman! -)
