I completely agree with your observation. Inmtersting that some of these women that aren't escorts, would consider escorts beneath them. They wouldn't agree or acknowledge your observation. The clear difference is, as an escort the arrangement is discussed and agreed and out in the open, and both parties know where they stand, whereas in relationships the arrangement can sometimes not be discussed just accepted by both parties. Many women marry for money and/or stay with someone for money. Personally I couldn't do it, I'd rather earn my own money and be financially independent.
Monday, 21 February 2011
why do you think men and women are so fixated on sex? and why do you think there is such a stigma about nudity? deep questions i know, lol, but really really interested in your answer(s).
I don't think everyone is fixated on sex. Some are some aren't. The people who are fixated on it, are for different reasons. Some do it to boost self confidence, some do it for thrills, some are sex addicts, some stress relief... all sorts of reasons.
The stigma about nudity comes from us being pudish Brits. I think the human body is beautiful and a perfect example of natural art. I've never had any issue with nudity. I remember my dad being horrified when I showed him my first nude photograph. I had modeled for a lad on a photography course at aged 17, but previously I'd done life drawing at uni, so it was no big deal to me. The naked body can be beautiful without being sexual.
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
hi, i came across a youtube video of you talking about your ex escorting days, and your book. firstly, i am ordering your book when i bank my money tomorrow! i've just starting escorting, and it's so nerve-racking! can you give me some hints/tips? xx
Hi thanks for getting in touch and your interest in my book. The best way to order my book is directly from me (please contact me via the enquiry form on here) ... http://www.thegirlfriendexperience.tv I also offer a paid escort advice service/coaching here... http://www.rebeccadakin.com/how-to-become-an-escort/
Monday, 7 February 2011
Following a relationship ~(18 months) - How long is acceptable before dating again?
when ever you feel ready to. Please ask some none generic questions Dave! I'm going to have to delete the others - I'm sorry lol :)