Monday, 21 February 2011

i think there is a very definited blurring between an escort and a partner/girlfriend/wife. the majority are sadly not together (in the long haul at least) for love, but for money / practical reasons. very sad observation i know but true. comments?

I completely agree with your observation. Inmtersting that some of these women that aren't escorts, would consider escorts beneath them. They wouldn't agree or acknowledge your observation. The clear difference is, as an escort the arrangement is discussed and agreed and out in the open, and both parties know where they stand, whereas in relationships the arrangement can sometimes not be discussed just accepted by both parties. Many women marry for money and/or stay with someone for money. Personally I couldn't do it, I'd rather earn my own money and be financially independent.

Ask me anything


  1. look at my naked girlfriend. she is so sexy

  2. Really nice & great opinion you have shared with us.


  3. I would have to agree. There is a thin line between being an escort or being committed to a SO. The only difference is money.

    Speaking from experience as a Darwin escorts
